Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Warning: N*ggers on Twitter!!

Surprise, surprise people are being prejudiced on twitter!

Actually, I'm not all that shocked, offended, but not shocked. According to an article posted on, apparently some people found the fact that the BET Awards made it to the trending topics on Twitter quite disconcerting. These small minded people felt America should not waste its time tweeting about Negroes, and yes, one person actually said "wow too many negros (note the incorrect spelling) in the trending topics for me, I may be done with this whole twitter thing."

Long before Twitter even became popular, the BET Awards have always had a buzz in the black community. Even though often times we are not necessarily pleased with these shows, we watch them to stay in the black loop. This year, the BET awards were especially anticipated because of the death of Michael Jackson. With the Awards occurring so soon after Jackson's death, BET seized the opportunity to make the show a tribute his life. Black people who are Michael Jackson fans expected this award show to be dynamic and were looking forward to the celebration of an icon of the music industry. Even though Michael Jackson undoubtedly had fans of all races and cultures, black people felt particularly connected to this star who influenced much of our musical culture. Black folks were just plain excited.

Unfortunately black people, we've expended all of our opportunities to be excited for this year. They excused us during Obama's inauguration and Black History Month, but when it comes to popular culture and entertainment, we should be quiet. When so many people on Twitter started talking about the BET Awards and the black people who were a part of those awards, others (mainly white people) were upset. In response to the overwhelming number of black people in the trending topics one tweeter wrote, "I don't think this is a very good neighborhood. Lock the doors kids." Really? Based on the comments of this person and others instigating the whole "Negro conversation," black people need to have our own separate Twitter just like we have our own separate television stations so that others do not have to be bothered with anything going on in our trivial little world.

I understand that the BET Awards are not important in the grand scheme of things, but neither are iphones or movie releases, and other ridiculous topics that have made their ways to the trending topics on Twitter. People want to discuss popular culture, that's why it's POPULAR. I'm sure that if the Oscars, Grammys, or MTV awards were in the trending topics, that would be okay. It's just that when too many "niggers" start talking people get offended and afraid.