Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Airport Ettiquette

So, many of us are (or have been) traveling this holiday season, and we all know how interesting the airport can be. Some things, such as delays and cancellations, are really out of our control. We cannot control the weather or the planes' functionality, so those things we just have to suck up. However there are things that we can control, and I would like to touch on those a little.

1. If your plane leaves at 9:50, and you get to the gate at 9:40 and the door to the plane has closed, you are NOT early. Please do not scream to the top of your lungs about how it's not fair that you missed your plane because you were in the airport since 4:30 in the morning. No one cares. However, we are all going to be uneasy about the fact that you are making a scene. There is no need to curse and call people names because you can't tell time or do math.

2. Please try to wear as little cologne or perfume as possible, especially if it smells like bug spray. I know you want to smell good when you get to your final destination, but no one else wants to smell you. And once the smells start mixing together, that can cause some serious stomach upsets. So please, keep the fragrances to yourselves or at least wait until you are in a more ventilated area.

3. Please control your children. I love children, and I think they can be really cute and funny. I do not love when children are running through the airport like it's a playground, bumping into me and stepping on my feet, and kicking my seat on the airplane. Teach your children some manners BEFORE you arrive at the airport.

These are just a few pointers that will make everyone's trip more pleasant. Thanks.

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